
Задание для аудирования по теме "Greenwich" на английском языке с использованием видеофильмов

Три небольших фильма о Гринвиче были использованы как дополнение к учебному фильму "Лондон". Фильмы выложены на Youtube, поэтому можно организовать их просмотр на уроке, если есть подключение к интернету.

На мой взгляд, информация, представленная в фильмах, интересна и изложена достаточно понятным языком для учащиеся средней и старшей школы. Я показывала эти фильмы ученикам 7 класса языковой школы, в общеобразовательной школе будет целесообразнее показывать в более старших классах.

Для лучшего понимания рекомендуется неноднократный просмотр, тем более что фильмы короткие (3-5 минут). Задания к фильмам небольшие, они составлялись с учетом уровня моих учеников и расчитаны на один урок. Ответы на вопросы, а также предложения из задания с картой служат опорой для составления небольшого рассказа о Гринвиче.

Read and translate the definitions.

GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) – time used as a standard for calculating time in other countries.
The Zero Meridian (the Prime Meridian) – an imaginary line passing through Greenwich which divides the eastern and western halves of the world.

A. Watch the film Greenwich, England - Time To Travel and fill in the dates.

1616, 1806, 1869, 1694, 2007

  1. The Cutty Sark was built in _______
  2. The ship was heavily damaged by the fire in _______
  3. The buildings of the Royal Naval Hospital were designed in _______
  4. The Queen's house was built in _______
  5. The body of Admiral Lord Nelson killed at the battle of Trafalgar was brought to the Painted Hall in ________

B. Watch the film again. Answer the questions.

  1. What buildings did the famous architect Sir Christopher Wren design?
  2. What building in the USA resembles the Queen's House?
  3. How long did it take to paint the interiors of the Painted Hall?
  4. Where was Lord Nelson buried?

C. Watch the film Greenwich - the perfect day trip from London and answer the questions.

  1. What is situated in the buildings of the Royal Naval Hospital nowadays?
  2. What is kept at the Royal Observatory?
  3. When is the red ball raised and when is it dropped?
  4. Why is the red ball raised and dropped?
  5. What is the Chapel famous for?

Примечание: Этот фильм лучше показывать в классе по ссылке ниже, так как на YouTube в нем появляется реклама (которую нужно закрыть, нажав на крестик).

D. Watch the film 125 years and counting: the Royal Observatory in Greenwich and answer the questions.

  1. What king founded the Royal Observatory and who designed the building?
  2. How large is the lens of the telescope?
  3. What exhibition is there in one of the galleries of the Observatory?
  4. What modern building does the bronze cone cover?

E. There are several sights for the tourists to see in Greenwich. You can visit:

Greenwich map

1. The Royal Observatory (1675)
2. The National Maritime Museum (1762)
3. The Queen's House (1616)
4-6. The University of Greenwich (1694)
5. The Chapel
6. The Painted Hall
7. Trinity College of Music
8. The Cutty Sark

Put the numbers (1-8) next to the sentences according to the map.

It is a famous clipper ship.
It was designed by Sir Christopher Wren.
It was built in 1869.
Greenwich Mean Time is kept there.
It was built as the Royal Naval Hospital.
It is a former royal residence.
Later it was transformed into the Royal Naval College.
There you can see the Prime Meridian and stand in both the eastern and western halves of the world.
It is a very large museum for ships and the sea.
It took 19 years to paint its interiors.
The red ball is raised on its roof at 12.55 and drops at 1 p.m.
Now it is part of the National Maritime Museum.
It is famous for its organ and acoustics.
Inside the building is a 28-inch telescope, one of the largest of its kind in the world.
The famous White House in the USA resembles this building.
It was heavily damaged by the fire in 2007.
There is an exhibition of instruments for measuring time in one of its galleries.
The body of Admiral Nelson was brought there after the battle of Trafalgar.
Next to it is the new Peter Harrison planetarium covered with a bronze cone.

F. Use the information in parts A-E to speak about Greenwich.