
Crossword "Canada"

Кроссворд "Канада" предназначен для уроков английского языка в средней и старшей школе. Лексика для кроссворда взята из текстов и упражнений учебника Афанасьевой, Михеевой за 8 класс школ с углублённым изучением английского языка (стр. 190-195).

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2. ... is the westernmost of Canada's three federal territories. It is also the name of the river, the source of which is in Canada, but the lower half of which lies in Alaska.
3. Canada is a ..., which means it is ruled by a monarch.
4. The ... is an animal that cuts down trees with is teeth to build dams across streams.
6. Lake ... is one of the Five Great Lakes in the south-east of Canada.
7. ... is the capital city of Canada.
8. ... is the name of a province where French Canadians are mostly concentrated.
9. ... is the name of the province where the capital of Canada is situated. It is also the name of one of the Five Great Lakes.
10. ... cover about half of Canada and give home to various species of animals.
14. The soils are especially rich in the three ... provinces in the south of Canada.
15. Lake ... is one of the Five Great Lakes in the south-east of Canada.
16. Canada is the ...-largest country in the world by total area.
19. ... is one of the official languages in Canada.
20. British ... is a province situated in the west of Canada. The University of British ... is one of the largest universities in Canada.
22. Canada has ... provinces and three territories.
24. The ... are a group of aboriginal peoples who inhabit the north of Canada.
25. The ... River is a large river in the north-west of Canada.
26. ... is one of the official languages in Canada.
29. ... is an animal that lives in Canada. It is the largest species in the deer family.
30. ... is a large island that lies east of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and is part of the Kingdom of Denmark.
33. The Great ... Lake is one of the largest lakes in the Northwest Territories of Canada. It is the deepest lake in North America.
36. ... is one of the national colours of Canada.
39. The National Flag of Canada is known as the Maple ... .
41. Mount ... is the highest mountain in Canada.
44. ... is one of the national colours of Canada.

1. The ... Mountains is the largest mountain range in Canada.
5. ... is the community in Canada's far north, the northernmost permanently inhabited place in the world.
8. Elizabeth II is ... of both England and Canada.
11. ... is one of the largest cities in Canada.
12. ... is a large seaport city in the south-west of Canada.
13. The ... is the national tree of Canada.
15. ... is the name of a province in the central part of Canada, and also the name of a large river.
17. The ... River is in the south-west of Canada.
18. The ... Ocean is one of the oceans Canada is washed by.
21. ... is the largest city in Canada.
23. ... time zones lie within Canadian borders.
27. The St....River is a large river connecting the Great Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean.
28. ... is the industry of cutting down trees and preparing them for marketing.
31. Lake ... is the name of one of the Five Great Lakes in the south-east of Canada.
32. The house of ... is the name of the elected lower house of the Canadian Parliament.
34. The ... is the upper house of the Canadian Parliament.
35. The Great ... Lake is one of the largest lakes in the north-west of Canada.
37. The ... Party is one of the main political parties in Canada.
38. The ... is the country that Canada borders on.
40. ... Universite is the oldest centre of education in Canada.
42. Lake ... is a large lake in the south of Canada.
43. North ... is the continent where Canada is situated.
45. ... is an island off the east coast of Canada. It is also the breed of a large dog that is good at water lifesaving.
46. The Canadian ... is the currency of Canada.

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