
Crossword "Australian animals 2"

Кроссворд "Животные Австралии 2" предназначен для уроков английского языка в средней и старшей школе.

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1. the largest bird native to Australia
2. a short-legged, muscular marsupial
3. a marsupial similar in appearance to bears that feeds on eucalyptus leaves
4. a bird whose tail resembles a musical instrument
6. a spiny egg-laying mammal
8. a wild dog
9. a large parrot with a crest of feathers on its head
10. the Tasmanian … is a fierce marsupial that hunts other animals

3. a bird that makes a sound like laughter
5. a marsupial similar to kangaroo but smaller in size
7. a dangerous spider with a red stripe on its body
11. the sugar … is a small marsupial which looks like a flying squirrel
12. the marsupial with powerful hind legs that can jump very well
13. a large water bird which is black in Australia but white in other parts of the world
14. a duck-billed mammal

sea animals
Answer Key:

Похожее задание по теме "Животные Австралии": Australian animals
Большой кроссворд по теме "Австралия": Australia