
Crossword puzzle "Geography"

Кроссворд по теме "Географичкские названия" предназначен для уроков английского языка в средней школе и включает в себя названия материков, океанов и некоторые географические термины.

Задание к кроссворду дано в виде определений. В зависимости от лексического запаса учеников Вы можете изменить задание (например, заменить определения переводом или обозначить географические объекты на карте). Поскольку сетка кроссворда составлена в текстовом редакторе в виде таблицы, её тоже можно изменить.

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  1. the direction from which the sun rises
  2. a large island which is both a country and a continent
  3. the world's second largest ocean
  4. an imaginary line drawn round the world halfway between its most northern and southern points
  5. the direction which is on the left of a person facing the rising sun
  6. the world's smallest ocean, often covered with ice
  7. the land mass which lies east of the Ural mountains and includes China, Mongolia and other countries
  8. the part of the world which includes France, Germany, Italy and other countries


  1. one of the two points at the very top or bottom of the planet, or the cold area around it
  2. the direction which is on the right of a person facing the rising sun
  3. the continent mostly covered with ice
  4. the direction towards which the sun sets
  5. a name of two continents, which is also used for the US
  6. the larger part of this continent is situated between the tropics
  7. the third largest ocean in the world
  8. the planet on which we live
  9. the world's largest ocean

geography crossword
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