
Открытый урок, посвящённый тому, как школьники могут улучшить экологию мест, где они проживают, был приурочен к празднованию Дня Земли. В уроке использованы документальные видеофильмы из интернета: http://www.jkiltsfilms.com/forestcleanup (части 1 и 3) и http://vimeo.com/11237226. При просмотре первой части были показаны начало и конец видеофрагмента (в соответствии с заданиями), чтобы сэкономить время урока.

Урок проводился в сильной группе 6 класса специализированной школы, с учащимися, привыкшими к регулярному просмотру аналогичных видеофильмов. Думаю, что этот урок подойдёт для более старших учащихся (7-9 классов) общеобразовательной школы. Возможно также разбить урок на два, чтобы у учеников была возможность неоднократно прослушать каждый фрагмент, а также выполнить задание J (заданное на дом) в классе (в мини-группах).

План-конспект урока по теме
"Earth Day. Ways to solve local environmental problems."

Цель урока:

способствовать пониманию учащимися экологических проблем; систематизировать и обобщить имеющиеся у учащихся знания по данной теме.

Задачи урока:

1. Учебные:
развитие навыков аудирования и говорения; закрепление изученной лексики и грамматических структур.

2. Развивающие:
развитие коммуникативных навыков; развитие памяти, внимания, аналитического мышления (умения выбирать, систематизировать и обобщать информацию).

3. Воспитательные:
формирование бережного отношения к природе, привлечение интереса к проблемам окружающей среды, формирование стремления улучшать экологическую обстановку.

Оснащение урока:

Компьютер и мультимедийный проектор (или телевизор с DVD проигрывателем), фотографии и видеозаписи (материалы интернет-сайтов), раздаточный материал для учащихся.

I. Lead-in.

T tells Ps about Earth Day:
Do you know what people all over the world celebrate on the 22nd of April?
They celebrate International Earth Day.
The first Earth Day celebration was in 1970 in the USA.
In 1990 it became an International Earth Day.
Today, Earth Day is celebrated all over the world, and some countries even celebrate Earth Week - the week before April 22nd, and Earth Month throughout the whole month of April.

T shows photographs of: a polluted area, a road full of cars, a power plant, tree logging, etc.

Ps answer the questions:

  1. Why do you think it is important to celebrate Earth Day?
  2. Why is our environment in danger? What are some of the problems?
  3. What do you think people can do to protect the environment?

II. Lesson objectives.

T: Today we are going to watch short films about teenagers who decided to improve the places where they live. Then we'll discuss how we can celebrate Earth Day in our city and what we can do to make our local environment better.

III. Listening and watching.

Restoring the Forest (часть 1 выборочно, часть 3 целиком)

A. Watch the first film (part 1) and answer the questions.

  1. What campaign did Tom Lynskey start?
  2. Why did he make a video and put it on his web site?

B. Read and translate the words.

vandalize, township, permission, trash trucks (or dump trucks), curb, donations.

C. Watch part 1 of the film again. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).

  1. Tom Lynskey lives in Great Britain.
  2. This is the first video film he has made.
  3. The forest he shows in the film is near his house.
  4. The forest has been vandalized.
  5. The group has got permission from the township to do the cleaning.
  6. The group must pay for trash bags and trash trucks.
  7. After cleaning the forest they are going to plant some trees.
  8. Tom asks for donations to pay the volunteers.

D. Watch the first film (part 3). Fill in the gaps.

The clean-up took place on Sunday, ____May 20____ .
The team consisted of ___ volunteers, almost all of them ___________________.
They loaded bags of ______________ and cans, as well as whole heavy items, to the curb, where township _____________________ would carry them away.
They started at _______ a.m. and worked until __________ that afternoon.
The clean-up was a complete _____________________ .

3,840 Minutes Saving a Local Park

E. Watch the second film. Answer the questions.

  1. Who started the campaign?
  2. What is the name of their campaign?
  3. What do they want to do with the ball fields?

F. Read and translate the words.

petition, signatures, samples, community, board, officials, mural.

G. Watch the film again. Use Present Perfect to say what the group has done and what it hasn't done yet.

e.g. Find volunteers
They have found volunteers.

  1. Write a petition
  2. Collect signatures for the campaign
  3. Present the petition to the local community board
  4. Plant trees and flowers
  5. Write an article to the local newspaper
  6. Collect and study samples of soil
  7. Research health and environmental conditions in their community
  8. Meet with the local officials
  9. Paint benches
  10. Do a mural on the outside of a bathroom building

IV. Grammar and Vocabulary.

H. What will you need if you want to start a campaign? Make sentences.

If we want to clean a polluted area
to plant flowers
to lay out a park
to paint benches
we'll need spades
trash bags
dump trucks
flower seeds
young trees
permission from local officials


I. Imagine that you want to organize a successful campaign. What can you do to let as many people as possible learn about your campaign? Match parts of the sentences.

We can tell about the campaign to
put an article about the campaign in
make a presentation in
write letters about your campaign to
talk about the campaign on
a local newspaper
a special website about the campaign
your friends and neighbours
the radio or on TV
your class or school
popular ecological organizations


V. Homework.

J. Imagine you want to start a campaign to improve the ecological situation in your city.

  1. Choose an aim of your campaign (e.g. to plant trees in a local park).
  2. Think of a name for your campaign.
  3. Decide what you need for your campaign.
  4. Think what you can do to make the campaign popular.
  5. Make an action plan for your campaign and present it to the class.