
Crossword "The Earth"

Кроссворд "Земля" (страны, континенты, океаны, языки) предназначен для уроков английского языка в средней школе. Лексика для кроссворда, в основном, взята из текстов и упражнений учебника Афанасьевой, Михеевой для 5 класса школ с углублённым изучением английского языка (Lesson 6).

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1. The Mississippi River is in this continent.
2. The capital of India.
3. A European country. Its flag is red and yellow.
5. The capital of Italy.
6. There is a maple leaf on the flag of this country.
9. The largest country in the world.
11. The smallest ocean.
12. This ocean is between Great Britain and the USA.
13. The capital of France.
15. The capital of Spain.
17. People speak this language in Egypt.
18. One of the longest rivers in the world.

4. It forms a continent together with Asia.
7. The capital of Egypt.
8. A hot continent.
10. A continent and a country.
13. The largest ocean.
14. The capital of this country is Hanoi.
16. A European country that looks like a boot on the map.
19. This language is spoken in India.
20. The capital of Germany.
21. The capital of Great Britain.

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