
Crossword "Shops"

Кроссворд "Магазины" предназначен для уроков английского языка в средней школе. В кроссворде использованы слова по теме "Shopping" из учебника Афанасьевой, Михеевой для 8 класса школ с углублённым изучением английского языка.

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1. a ...'s is a place where women's clothes are made
3. a ...'s is a shop where fish is sold
4. a ...'s is a place where women have their hair cut or styled
5. a ...'s shop is a place where bread and cakes are sold
6. a ... store is a large shop divided into sections, each section selling a different kind of things, such as clothes, furniture, shoes, toys, etc.
7. a ...'s shop is a place where you can buy things used for writing, such as pens, pencils, paper, etc.
8. a ...'s shop is a shop that sells flowers
12. a ... shop is a shop where you can buy small animals, birds and fish, as well as food, medicine and other things related to animals


2. a ... shop is a place where people buy things they give as presents
5. a ...'s shop is a place where meat is sold
7. a ... is a very large shop that sells food and household products
9. a ... is a shop that sells milk, cheese, butter and other kinds of food made from milk
10. a ...'s shop is a place where fruit and vegetables are sold
11. a ...'s shop sells sugar, flour, salt, cereals and other kinds of food
13. a ...'s shop sells sweet foods such as chocolates and sweets
14. a ... shop is a place where you can buy things that you wear, such as dresses, shirts, trousers, etc.


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