
Crossword puzzle "Christmas 1"

Кроссворд по теме "Рождество 1" для уроков английского языка в средней школе. В интерактивном варианте кроссворда на сайте http://time4crosswords.webtm.ru к определениям добавлены картинки.

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1. an evergreen plant with red berries and prickly leaves used for Christmas decorations
2. an evergreen plant with green leaves and white berries under which people kiss at Christmas
3. the person with a white beard wearing a red coat, who brings presents at Christmas
4. a circular decoration that people hang on doors at Christmas
5. a piece of thick paper with a picture and a message on it
7. the word that originated from French and means "Christmas"
8. a traditional dessert which is made a few weeks before Christmas Day
9. the name of the deer who has a very shiny nose
10. the pole where Father Christmas lives
11. the season when people celebrate Christmas
13. it makes a sharp noise when it is pulled at the table at Christmas
14. the kind of transport Father Christmas uses
18. a religious song traditionally sung at Christmas
20. a bird traditionally roasted and served at Christmas dinner
21. a plant that grows up walls and is used for Christmas decorations
23. It is the day before Christmas Day


3. the part of clothing that children hang by the fireplace or their beds at Christmas
5. It is made of wax and burns to make light
6. a shiny metallic garland which decorates a Christmas tree
8. another word for gifts
9. the animals that pull Santa's vehicle across the sky
12. the name of the saint who is now called Santa Claus
15. the next day after Christmas Day, when people give presents to the poor
16. a celebration when guests are invited and people have a good time
17. a kind of tree traditionally decorated before Christmas
19. things used for decoration of a Christmas tree
21. the sound that bells make at Christmas
24. Santa's helper
25. "...Christmas!" - used for wishing someone a happy time at Christmas

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